Posts tagged coaching
Energize Your 2024!

Energize Your 2024!

Happy New Year!

I love turning over a new page in the year. Starting fresh with a new set of intentions, hopeful for a year filled with love, growth, abundance and change. I’m not sure why we need to do that on January 1st, but it is a day filled with optimism for what the future holds. I usually spend the first day of January journaling, setting intentions and planning out my year. Breaking my goals into categories of personal, professional, financial, spiritual, and physical, is helpful in personalizing each area of my life.

This year a word kept coming up for me. It seemed like everyday I was being reminded to focus on my ENERGY. It makes sense as everything is made up of energy, and we attract what our energy aligns with. Our lives are a direct reflection of what's going on in our mind, body and soul. Look around you and that will tell you where you are energetically. What I realized is that by focusing on my energy, aligning it with the way I want to FEEL in 2024 and putting ACTION behind all of that, I could create a much better outcome for my year.

So, you might be asking how does one clear up and raise their energy? I asked myself the same thing. I made a list of things in my journal that work for me that I’ll share here:

Clean eating, healthy, organic vegetables, fruit, lean meat Less alcohol (starting with dry January)
Lots of clean water daily
Living authentically

Clear boundaries
Daily exercise
Daily meditation
Grounding (getting my feet in the sand/earth) Living in gratitude

Noticing my thoughts & doing mindset work Speaking my affirmations daily
Spending time in nature

Giving and receiving love
Quality time with family
Quality time with people that love, support and inspire me Sharing my gifts freely
Being of service to others
Loving all of myself
Good self care
Taking my supplements daily
Keeping my work/home space clean and clear
Staying away from negative television, social media and people

I know this is a big list and I won't be doing them all daily, but I will be more mindful of all of them. Most of these are core beliefs I already live by that I will try to improve upon as well as remove the things that don't support me. That's step 1, being aware of your ENERGY.

Step 2 is how do I want to FEEL? When I’m doing most of the things on that list my energy is high, I feel happy, peaceful, inspired, excited, optimistic, healthy, on purpose, grateful, abundant, unstoppable, name a few. That vibe you put out when you're feeling good is so magnetic! You know the one I’m talking about!

There are multiple ways I work with my coaching clients on this part but one of them is to utilize guided meditations that I provide them with and use myself. This can help you to conjure up the way you want to feel. You can also conjure up feelings of fear, lack and anger but that's another newsletter. Let me give you an analogy. There are 2 types of rollercoasters in the world, one is on tracks and moves through all the sharp turns, highs, lows, flips, high speeds and makes you feel all of the adrenaline, fear, excitement that goes with that. The second type of coaster is a simulator and you're watching it on a screen in a fairly stationary position, but you still feel all of the adrenaline, fear and excitement because your body doesn't know the difference. We do this exact thing in our lives. Mind blown! So what are you simulating in your life?

Step 3 is ACTION! This is where we create a plan of action for your year. It doesn't happen by accident, friends. That's the good news and the bad news. We actually get to create this amazing beautiful life we live. I’m not saying “perfect” and I’m not saying there won't be challenges but we do get to

decide which path we choose, our energy, how we feel and how much effort we’re willing to put behind it. Picture 2024 where your alignment is in flow and you allow life to deliver so many blessings. Memorize how it feels to be energetically in a higher vibration. Your year will reflect what you are available to receive.

Thank you for giving me a space to share my thoughts and reflections with you. If any of this landed for you and you’d like support in creating a year that is filled with ease, peace, love and abundance, then reach out to me here:
We can schedule a complimentary discovery call to see if we’re a good fit.
I would love to work beside you on this grand adventure called LIFE.

Much love and blessings to you all, Xo



Making 2024 Your Best Year Ever!

Greetings my friends,

As we approach the end of another transformative year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on our journey and set our intentions for the coming year.  The new year invites us to step into our full potential and create a life full of meaning and service.  As we prepare to welcome 2024, let’s embark on this journey together with open hearts and a shared commitment to healing, connection, and transformation.

As I reflect back on 2023 I am grateful for the challenges and the triumphs. I made some big strides this past year and I’m proud of myself for taking the leap to grow, not only personally, but my coaching practice and retreat company too. I started working with a coach again this year, which has helped me tremendously.  I have stepped way out of my comfort zone and taken some pretty big risks. Whew!!  I certainly can't encourage you to do things that I wouldn't do!  

I usually host 1 retreat in Bali, but this year I hosted 2, which was definitely a big leap of faith.  I am so grateful to have had 16 amazing women beside me on that healing journey.  We all connected on such a deep level and remain a great support system for each other.  I offered complimentary coaching at the retreats to help the guests process and gain clarity around what was coming up for them.  I also created a follow up support program for guests after they go home and I’m so pleased to see the results the ladies are experiencing as we continue the coaching process!  Being able to purchase sessions one at a time as needed has made the process much easier and very affordable for my (past or future) retreat guests.

I also launched and filled 3 new retreats for 2024!  Expanding into Italy next year, returning to Bali and looking into a more compact wellness retreat in Mexico.  Stay tuned for those details!

I am fully stepping into my gifts this next year so that I can in turn bring so much more value and service to you! I’m saying this here so you can hold me to it!

I also spent 4 months in Bali and the surrounding islands, traveling solo, and with friends. I focused deeper on my morning practice of meditation, journaling and exercise, which in turn helped me to calm my nervous system, sleep better and feel amazing!  I read at least 12 books and listened to hundreds of podcasts, all to benefit my knowledge base around coaching, health and creating life changing international retreats.  I am doing the work with you my friend!  We are all a beautiful work in progress and perfectly imperfect as we are!

I’m curious how you would like 2024 to look for you?  If it were to be your best year so far what story would you be telling friends and family at the end of next year?  I’d love to dive into that with you and peel back the layers to reveal your biggest dreams and help you to navigate a course to creating THAT life!  We do get to curate this life, it doesn't just happen by luck or happenstance… I’m ready, are you? Click the link for your complimentary discovery call. Coaching Discovery Call

I wish you a holiday season filled with so much love, laughter, family, friends and abundant blessings!  Don't forget to kiss someone special under the mistletoe too!

In gratitude always,


Coaching & Retreat Info Here

 Embrace Transformation this Fall - A Message from Cheryl

Hello, dear friends,

The last two months in Bali have been truly enchanting. However, it's challenging to convey the sheer magic of this place in words. But if you know me, you're aware that I'm rarely at a loss for words! When I'm passionate about something, I can't help but gush. It's evident that my heart is overflowing with enthusiasm for the captivating island of Bali and, even more so, for my mission of uniting women to heal, grow, and connect.

There's something truly extraordinary that happens when women come together in a safe space to open up, share, release, reset, and nourish their minds and bodies. The transformation that unfolds is nothing short of spectacular.

Lately, I've observed something interesting that I believe might resonate with some of you. Let me ask you a question: What are you saying 'yes' to when you really want to say 'no'? How often are you putting aside your own needs to please someone else? How do you feel when you say 'yes' to something that isn't in alignment with your truth?

Don't get me wrong; I'm not suggesting we shouldn't help others or do things that are occasionally inconvenient. However, it's essential to establish healthy boundaries for yourself. Neglecting your own needs can lead to resentment, unhappiness, and weak boundaries.

It's worth pondering. If you're questioning something, take a few moments to breathe, tune into your body, and ask yourself, "What do I need at this moment?" Listen to your body; it always tells the truth. The mind may create stories, but the body never lies.

As the weather changes and the leaves begin their descent, we, too, undergo inner changes. We let go of what no longer serves us, shedding old beliefs and stories that don't support us in creating and living an extraordinary life. You deserve that, and anything is possible. My story is a living example of that, and I'm grateful and excited to help others create their own best lives.

If you're seeking support for your Fall clean-up, I have a few openings for 1:1 coaching. I offer sessions one at a time, so you can progress at your own pace and within your budget (no need to purchase a package of sessions!). As a token of gratitude for past clients and retreat guests, I have a special offer just for you!

Feel free to reach out for details and available appointment times. Click on the link to schedule a call.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

With love and light,


Embracing Slow Living for Mind, Body, and Soul

Embracing Slow Living for Mind, Body, and Soul

In a world pulsating with constant activity, finding solace in the art of slow living has become essential for nurturing our well-being. The modern frenzy, characterized by bustling screens, relentless workdays, and a ceaseless stream of news, has led to a collective yearning to slow down. It's a call to allow our minds, bodies, and souls to exhale, to seek a mental reset that rejuvenates us at our core. Amidst this clamor, we are prompted to recalibrate our relationship with time – to step away from the ceaseless rush and embrace moments of quiet reflection, at least I am.

Amid the chaos, the concept of slow living invites us to savor life's rhythms and engage with our surroundings in a more meaningful way. This entails deliberate steps: diminishing screen time's intrusive grasp, easing away from the torrent of television and news, and relinquishing the burden of extended work hours. By opting for nourishing, fresh, and whole foods over the convenience of fast-food options, we answer our bodies' primal call for genuine sustenance. Within these choices lie the bedrock of slow living – an intentional shift towards balance.

Practical strategies for this lifestyle metamorphosis include dedicating moments to meditation, as brief as ten minutes daily, to cultivate inner tranquility. Mindful breathwork, characterized by deep, purposeful inhalations and extended exhalations, becomes a bridge to soothing our agitated nervous systems. A communion with nature serves as a soothing balm; the simple act of walking barefoot on soil or wading through water channels grounding energy and inviting serenity. As our bodies sway in yoga's embrace or dance's euphoria, we discover the joyful movement that aligns with our being. Vigilantly observing our thoughts encourages a shift towards mindful awareness, a foundational step in rewriting ingrained patterns. These fundamental guidelines, when embraced, have the potential to transform our vitality, happiness, and ultimately, our life journey – ushering in an era of slow living and savoring the profound richness it brings.

Guiding Your Path to Slow Living and Fulfillment

Having lived through the whirlwind of a fast-paced corporate world for over 30 years, I intimately understand the exhaustion, disconnection, and yearning for more that it can bring. My personal journey from success-driven burnout to a place of genuine contentment through coaching has equipped me to guide others through similar transitions.

As a life coach, my mission is clear: to help you rediscover what truly matters, embrace a slower and more intentional pace, and forge meaningful connections. Just as I learned to infuse balance and purpose into my life, I'm here to assist you in finding tranquility amidst change – whether it's a career shift, seeking inner peace, or architecting a more fulfilling future.

Together, we'll embark on a transformative voyage towards slow living, nurturing every facet of your well-being. Drawing from my own experiences and coaching expertise, I'll provide tailored support to help you realign with your authentic self, your loved ones, and your aspirations. Through introspection, we'll uncover the sources of your happiness and weave them into the fabric of intentional, mindful living. This is your journey, and I'm here to guide you toward a life filled with self-awareness, connection, and lasting joy.

Please feel free to connect with me via email at 

Or you can schedule a complimentary call on my website at

You can get retreat details here: Cheryl Davenport Retreats

I also have some exciting announcements coming on the 2024 retreats in Bali and now in Italy too!!  Follow me on FB and IG for dates and details.

In gratitude always,


Mindset Matters!

Stay Positive, Unlock Potential, and Achieve Success!

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Mindset Matters Newsletter! In this edition, we will explore the incredible power of mindset and its significant impact on our lives. Your mindset, the way you perceive and approach the world, can be the key to unlocking your full potential and achieving success in various aspects of life. So, let's dive in and discover the importance of cultivating a positive and growth-oriented mindset.

  1. The Power of Belief: Your mindset is shaped by your beliefs, and what you believe about yourself and your abilities can either empower or limit you. Research has shown that individuals with a positive mindset tend to embrace challenges, learn from failure, and persist in the face of adversity. By cultivating a belief in your potential and fostering a growth mindset, you can overcome obstacles and achieve goals you may have once thought were impossible.

  2. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Often, we unknowingly hold onto limiting beliefs that hinder our progress. Thoughts like "I'm not smart enough" or "I'll never be successful" can become self-fulfilling prophecies. The good news is that these beliefs can be changed. Start by challenging your negative self-talk, reframing setbacks as opportunities for growth, and surrounding yourself with positive influences. Remember, you have the power to shape your beliefs and create a mindset that propels you forward.

  3. Embracing Change: Having a flexible mindset is crucial in a world that is constantly evolving. Embrace change as an opportunity for growth and learning. When faced with new situations, approach them with curiosity and a willingness to adapt. Remember, change often brings new possibilities and can lead to unexpected breakthroughs.

  4. Cultivating Resilience: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. A resilient mindset allows you to view failures as temporary and setbacks as learning experiences. Cultivate resilience by practicing self-care, seeking support from others, and maintaining a positive outlook even in difficult times. Remember that setbacks are not the end of the road but opportunities for growth and development.

  5. The Power of Positive Thinking: Positive thinking is more than just wishful thoughts; it's a powerful tool for shaping your reality. Optimism and positive self-talk can increase your motivation, enhance problem-solving abilities, and improve overall well-being. Practice gratitude, visualize your goals, and surround yourself with positive influences to foster a mindset that attracts success.

  6. Continuous Learning and Growth: A growth mindset thrives on continuous learning and personal development. Embrace challenges, seek new knowledge, and step out of your comfort zone. View failures as stepping stones toward success and never stop expanding your skills and expertise. Remember, the journey of self-improvement is a lifelong process.

In conclusion, your mindset is a powerful force that can shape your life's trajectory. By cultivating a positive, growth-oriented mindset, you can overcome obstacles, embrace change, and unlock your full potential. Believe in yourself, challenge your limiting beliefs, and adopt an optimistic outlook. Remember, mindset matters!

If you would like more information and support with your mindset I'd like to offer you a complimentary call to discover more about you and share how coaching can help!  You can do that by going back to the home page and clicking ‘schedule your discovery call.’ You can also click here: 

In gratitude,



2023 Morning Miracles

Do you ever wake up in a funk, hit the snooze button 2 or 3 times, feel exhausted, stressed or cranky?  Mornings can be a stressful time or they can set the tone for a successful and productive day.  I thought this would be the perfect time to share how I start my day and encourage my clients to do the same.

Having a solid morning practice has helped me to reduce stress, quiets my overactive mind, gives me clarity and has helped me to be more productive with my day.  This past year I took my practice a bit deeper and found that I was able to really focus in on my thoughts and mindset, which in turn affected my feelings, actions and RESULTS! 

There are 5 pillars of self care that I built my morning practice on: physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. 

Here is what that looks like for me:

  1. Meditation- even if it’s just for 10 minutes. You can sit or lie quietly, listen to a guided meditation, do a walking meditation or whatever works for you to quiet your mind. (YouTube has thousands of guided meditations to offer) I love to start my day with a gratitude meditation! Here’s a link to one of my faves:

  2. Journaling- I use this a couple of ways.  Being mindful about all that you have to be grateful for is a great way to start your day.  Sometimes I just need to do a ‘mind dump’ and purge my thoughts. This is also a space to write down your fears. (I noticed reading back through my journal that most of them were unfounded and never happened. Whew!) Journaling allows you to see how far you’ve come, how you’ve grown and changed or possibly where you still need to do some work. Dreams are born in your journal!

  3. Listening- to something positive, educational or motivational. Reading works well here too. I use Audible so I can listen to my books while driving, working out etc.

  4. Exercise- that can be in the gym, yoga, pickleball, a hike or dancing. That’s just my go to list but yours can consist of anything that gets your body moving.

  5. Mindset work- I have become very aware of my self talk. Negative self talk does not serve us in any positive way. Being aware of your thoughts and words is key. I also use affirmations, positive self talk and a technique referred to as Kylego which I use with my coaching clients.  Thoughts=Feelings=Actions=Results!

The social piece came through spending time with family, friends and clients. I actually get so much fulfillment from coaching and hosting retreats and feel so fortunate to create deep, meaningful  social connections while working. Of course I do have amazing clients which makes it easy!

I hope that you found this information helpful and will consider implementing a few new things into your morning practice! What is your favorite morning practice? Let us know in the comments below.

Also If you feel called to attend one of our Women’s Retreats in Bali this year you can get all of the information and register here:

Wishing you a year filled with magic and miracles! 



Lessons From Bali



There’s no denying that Wellness Retreats are the of-the-moment vacation. From extreme yoga retreats to bicycle tours we’re now trading sunbathing and extreme sports for more focused dedication to our personal health and wellness. Instead of focusing on just physical activities, these gatherings are more about the magic of bringing women together, with the goal being female connection and empowerment.

As a 57 year old, successful business woman that was burnt out, disconnected and desperately needed some self care, I understood the need for women to come together in a way that was safe, nurturing and provided some tools for self care. I got busy creating a wellness retreat that spoke to other women like myself. The response has been overwhelming! 


I’ve just completed another 8 day retreat in Bali with a group of 10 amazing women. Many of us have been or are currently married, divorced, raised families, lost loved ones, have successful careers and continue to take care of those around us at the expense of our own wellbeing. As women we seem to have lost sight of a few things... How to reconnect with our needs, bodies & hearts. How to connect with other women (Especially if you’ve been in the corporate world a long time). How to be quiet & breathe. To embrace our femininity. Ultimately I think we are all just looking to let go of our fears and insecurities and replace them with self worth and love. Throughout all of my experiences working with women I have found that no matter what age, race, religion, financial status or education, we all have the same fears and insecurities.


  • Bravery is beautiful
    Retreats tend to bring us face to face with things we fear, whether those obstacles are mental or physical. (Case in point: swinging out over the jungle on an extremely high swing, wearing a long flowy dress, was just as scary as sharing your fears during circle time.) But being surrounded by women that are rooting for you creates an immense safety net. Not only was it liberating to shed my own fears but to witness the bravery of the other women–-not to mention the excitement they felt–was a reminder to not shy away from the things that scare us. Courage leads to confidence!                                                  

  • We thrive in community
    After more than a week of listening to the 10 other women in the group who so generously shared their stories, we all couldn't help but want to soak up the life lessons and wisdom in the room. Women understand other women. It’s the women who make ‘women's retreats’ so special, providing comfort, support, and serious girl time fun. We laughed, danced, cried, hugged, explored, grew, opened our hearts, made new sisters, and the best part? Those relationships are not contained to the time spent at the retreat. We have formed deep bonds and will continue to support and connect with each other going forward.

  • We have the power to change our thoughts
    With lots of time built in for rest and silence, a retreat can create distraction free spaces in your day, which allows you to consciously take note of your thought patterns. Noticing the negative self talk that we barrage ourselves with daily can help us to start making changes to that narrative. Spending time in silence allows awareness to show us where we need to release and grow. Not surprisingly, I am a lot harder on
    myself than I realized ( I was not alone in this discovery), but after sitting with the discovery of that self criticism, I actually had an opportunity to hear those thoughts and then choose to change them. This may sound obvious but we don't have to listen to our inner critic, rather it is ok–and pretty wonderful–to like ourselves!

I have 2 retreats in Bali 2023 Dates & prices coming soon!                                                                        We would love to welcome you to the Sisterhood!

You can also visit us on Facebook & Instagram @baligirlretreats

I am also a Woman's Life Coach and specialize in helping women through life transitions. You can get more information or schedule a complimentary discovery call here:

In gratitude, 


What if...

Ahh February...the holidays are done and stored away till next year, 2020 goals are pushed aside for future consideration and we’re back to our usual routine.  I don’t know about you but I have found myself a bit lost this February. Not feeling incredibly creative or inspired and honestly a bit upset with myself for feeling this way.  Afterall, I am a Life Coach and I help people create their dream lives so shouldn’t I be inspired and motivated all the time?!

Have you ever felt this way?  I’ve come to realize that we ALL feel this way from time to time and sometimes we even allow ourselves to sit with it for awhile. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not saying unpack and move in to this place but rest your weary mind for a moment, check in to see what you’re really feeling and what you really need. Nourish yourself with some quiet time, meditation, nature and exercise...let the answers come in those quiet moments.  Ask yourself the bigger questions. Where do I find true joy? What impact do I want to have in the world? What will I regret at the end of my life if I don’t do it? What am I grateful for? One thing I know for sure is that if you ask the right questions the answers will always reveal themselves.

 I guess my point is maybe it’s not always about the big goals in life but about the things that make our hearts sing and leave a lasting impression on the ones we love and our mother earth.  What if we just play this life full out, hearts wide open, wild hair in the wind, laughing and dancing to our own crazy beat while we chase those dreams we’ve had tucked away for far too long?  What if...

 If you’ve found yourself feeling a bit lost, uninspired or just plain ready for a change I have a couple spots open for 1:1 coaching where we can explore the bigger questions, the possibilities and the action needed to get you on your way to living a kickass life! 



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