Posts tagged benefits of coaching
The Power of Your Vibration

The Power of Your Vibration: How Energy Affects Everything Around Us

Hello beautiful souls,

This month, I want to dive into a powerful concept that can transform your life: *the energy you radiate, or your “vibration.”* You’ve likely heard phrases like, “raising your vibration” or “energy alignment,” and there’s a reason why this idea resonates across science and spirituality alike. Let’s explore how our energy not only shapes our inner world but influences the environment and relationships around us.

What Is “Vibration” and Why Does It Matter?

At a fundamental level, everything is energy. Quantum physics shows us that all matter is made up of particles in constant motion, vibrating at different frequencies. This includes our thoughts, emotions, and bodies! When we refer to “raising our vibration,” we’re really talking about elevating our mental, emotional, and physical states to higher, more harmonious frequencies.

The Science of Vibration and Energy

While the concept of energy isn’t new, science has only recently caught up with the idea that our emotions, thoughts, and intentions can impact our environment in tangible ways. Here are a few fascinating findings:

Heart Coherence: The HeartMath Institute has researched the electromagnetic field created by the heart, which is much larger than the one created by the brain. Positive emotions like gratitude and compassion bring our heart’s rhythm into a state called “coherence,” which not only benefits our health but also creates a more peaceful energy that others can sense.

Mirror Neurons and Emotional Contagion: Our brains have “mirror neurons,” which respond to the emotions and energy of those around us. This is why being around positive, high-vibrational people can uplift us, while negative environments can feel draining. This means we can use our own vibration to uplift ourselves and others. 

Intention and Water Crystals: Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments with water showed that water crystals form more harmonious patterns when exposed to positive words, thoughts, and music. Since our bodies are mostly water, this research suggests that our thoughts and intentions might have a direct impact on our well-being. I have been practicing this for a couple years now and have to say it truly makes a difference!

Raising Your Vibration: Simple Practices

If our energy affects everything around us, then choosing to raise our vibration is a powerful act of self-care. Here are a few ways to consciously elevate your energy:

1. Practice Gratitude: Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational states. By focusing on things you’re grateful for, you shift your mental state and increase your overall energy. I incorporate this into my morning meditation practice. Perfect way to start your day!

2. Mindful Breathwork: Deep breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and bringing you back to a calm, high-energy state.

3. Movement and Nature: Physical movement, especially in nature, instantly raises your vibration. Nature’s natural frequencies ground us, and exercise increases our energy and lifts our mood. It is so important to get your feet on the earth every single day. Get grounded!

4. Positive Intentions and Self-Talk: Words carry energy, so speaking kindly to yourself, even in difficult moments, can shift your vibration. Consider starting your day with positive affirmations.  I am a huge proponent of ‘mindset’ work and being mindful of your thoughts. It’s something I work on with my coaching clients and retreat guests.

5. Surround Yourself with High-Vibe People: Seek out those who inspire, uplift, and empower you. Vibrational energy is contagious, so be around people who help you thrive. Your vibe attracts your tribe!

Energy Is Everything

As we focus on raising our vibration, we become more aware of our power to impact not just our lives, but the lives of those around us. By elevating our own energy, we create ripples that can inspire, uplift, and transform the world in beautiful ways.

Take a moment this month to practice one or two of these tips, and notice how your world begins to reflect your elevated state back to you. I’d love to hear about any changes you notice.  Let’s raise our vibrations together! 

PS. I have some exciting announcements coming and can't wait to share about all the new ways we can connect and support each other!  #TheSisterhoodRising

With high vibes and love, 


Connect with me here for 1:1 coaching appointments

9 Life-Changing Benefits of Hiring a Life Coach

9 Life-Changing Benefits of Hiring a Life Coach

What is a life coach and do you need one? In this post, I’m sharing what a life coach is and the 9 benefits of hiring one.

Have you ever felt stuck or frustrated with where you're at in life? Or you’ve wanted to make a change but have no idea where to start or how to make it happen?

If so, you may well benefit from hiring a coach.

Let me just start by sharing that most of my biggest leaps and changes in my life have come from working with a coach. I mean, even Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey & Brene Brown work with coaches, so there's got to be something to this, right?

What is a life coach?

Simply put, the purpose of a life coach is to help you create a life that fulfills you. If you're struggling to decide what you want out of life or wondering what your purpose and passion is, a life coach can help you get clear on these things and create a plan to achieve them.

If you are looking for more balance, more happiness and more satisfaction in your life, a coach can help you to work on your mindset, as well as the mental roadblocks that are preventing you from moving forward and having those things that you want more of in your life.

A good coach will help you to identify the areas that are holding you back, push past your limiting beliefs and excuses and help you to set and accomplish your goals, whilst holding you accountable along the way.

I truly don't think I would have left my corporate job and moved to Bali at 57 years old to chase my dreams had I not had my coach to keep me focused on my goals and hold me accountable. Whew!
So, why should you hire a coach?

Benefit #1. You get to finally decide what you want.

Life coaches are great at helping you gain clarity and actually choosing what you want for your life–even if you don't know what it is yet. You’ll get to design your ideal life so that you feel happy and your life has meaning and purpose. We all go through many life stages and transitions and it can be hard to know which path to take.

Benefit #2. Your life becomes more balanced.

We all tend to focus on certain parts of our lives more than others. (e.g. family, career, relationships) A coach will help you to give adequate attention to all areas of your life so that you feel more balanced, satisfied and fulfilled.

Benefit #3. You will stretch yourself.

Life is about learning and applying those new skills and insights into your life so that you can achieve better results. A coach will help you step out of your comfort zone and try new things that you might not be pushing yourself to do.

Benefit #4. You’ll push past your challenges and overcome what’s holding you back.
Dealing with challenges, fears and limiting beliefs can be intimidating and sometimes you don't even know what's stopping you from moving forward. Having an expert in your corner to help you get unstuck and create new healthy beliefs that support your dreams and goals is a game changer.

Benefit #5. You’ll solve challenges you didn't even realize you had.

Typically coaches are hired for a specific reason (e.g. career change, life transitions, finding more happiness, relationship challenges) But

through the process of coaching, you’ll most likely discover other issues that are just as important too. There’s no place to hide with a good coach!

Benefit #6. You’ll get an unbiased opinion.

Sometimes those closest to us know us a little too well. A life coach can give us an unbiased, new perspective to think about. Plus, it's often easier to be more open to hearing things we might not necessarily want to hear from an outsider instead of from those who are closest to us! There’s also the very important confidentiality factor and knowing that everything we talk about to our coach is completely private.

Benefit #7. You’ll be held accountable.

It’s easy to quit when no one knows you’ve even started, and you can always tell yourself you start again tomorrow. A coach on the other hand will make sure you follow through and stay in integrity with your word. Most of us don't want to let others down or be ‘in trouble’!

Benefit #8. You’ll raise your standards.

Many of the challenges you've faced so far are likely a result of your standards being too low. You may have far outgrown your career, relationships or dreams and settled for a life that no longer feels meaningful to you. A coach will help you with a new sense of self awareness and strengthen your boundaries.

Benefit #9. You’ll have someone that is just as excited by your success as you are!
Have you ever done something that fills you with pride, only to find out that your family, friends or significant other seem less than impressed or possibly even fearful about your growth and changes? Your life coach will be your cheerleader. Having someone cheer you on will keep you motivated to accomplish your dreams!

So, do you need a life coach?

In short, yes! Everyone can benefit from hiring a coach at certain times in their life. After all, we all have things in our life we’re not happy with and want to change. It’s totally normal! And it’s ok to admit you could use an expert on your team to make those next big strides. Hiring a coach might be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. And thanks to technology it's never been easier. You don't even have to leave your house.

Want to know more about hiring a life coach?

If you’d like to know more about how a life coach can help you, why not apply for a FREE discovery call HERE. Let me help you get unstuck and create a fulfilling and meaningful life!

I offer one on one coaching, purchase 1 session at a time and schedule as needed. Your pace. Your budget. Your amazing life.

Xo Cheryl