Posts tagged Coaching
Embracing Major Life Changes in Your 50's, 60's and Up

Embracing Major Life Changes In Your 50’s, 60’s & Up

Embracing New Beginnings

Making significant life changes in your 50s, 60s, and beyond can be both exhilarating and daunting. This is a time when many of us start to reevaluate our careers, locations, goals, and purposes. We begin to focus more on our health, family time, and what truly brings us joy and peace. As someone who completely changed my life course at 57, I understand the challenges and rewards of such transformations. It can be very frightening to let go of what feels like our ‘security’ and try something completely new. At this point in life I believe we are much wiser, more intuitive, more aware of our needs and hopefully less attached to the stigma of what anyone else thinks of our decisions. We’re no longer trying to please our parents or our children. We’re in the 3rd or 4th quarter of the game and you only miss 100% of the shots you don't what's it going to be?

Career and Location Changes

Whether you're considering a career shift, a move to a new city or country, or both, these changes can provide a fresh perspective and renewed energy. For example, after leaving the corporate world and a dream job, I moved to Bali, Indonesia, to build a clothing manufacturing business. Although the pandemic required me to pivot again, I found new opportunities and now live on the beach in Baja, continuing to lead women's retreats worldwide and offer coaching to those that need support. I am a digital nomad of sorts, meaning I can live and work from anywhere in the world! Sound appealing?

Setting New Goals and Finding Purpose

At this stage in life, it's crucial to set new goals that align with your evolving values and interests. Ask yourself what brings you joy now. What activities or pursuits make you feel alive and fulfilled? This could be anything from starting a new business, engaging in creative hobbies, traveling, or dedicating more time to family and friends. Becoming more self aware is key to knowing what makes you happy. Journaling about your dreams and goals is a helpful way to begin creating this next chapter. Dive into it and find out what really sets your soul on fire!

Health and Well-Being

Focusing on health and well-being becomes increasingly important as we age. Incorporate activities that promote physical and mental health, such as yoga, meditation, and regular exercise. Embracing a balanced diet and getting regular health check-ups can also make a significant difference in how you feel and function. I know for me as I go forward being in a community that offers ample ways of staying active is very important. For example, walking, bike riding, gardening, gym, yoga, swimming in the ocean or a lake, being close to nature, access to fresh healthy food and water, a supportive community...these are things that are at the top of my list. What’s on yours?

Financial Considerations

Changing course later in life comes with financial considerations. It's essential to plan and manage your finances carefully. Consider speaking with a financial advisor to create a strategy that supports your new goals. This might involve reassessing your investments, savings, and retirement plans to ensure you have the resources to support your new lifestyle. I have learned some great tips from fellow travelers and digital nomads that have saved me thousands and made it possible for me to travel often.

The Benefits of a Meaningful Life

Living a meaningful life is about finding joy and peace in your daily activities and relationships. It's about doing what you love and being surrounded by people who uplift and support you. For me, leading women's retreats and offering coaching support to those going through similar life changes has been incredibly fulfilling.

How to Make Big Changes

  1. Reflect on Your Desires: Take time to think about what you truly want in this new phase of your life.

  2. Plan and Prepare: Create a plan that includes both short-term and long-term goals.

  3. Seek Support: Connect with a community or a coach who can offer guidance and


  4. Be Flexible: Be open to change and ready to adapt as new opportunities arise.

  5. Stay Positive: Maintain a positive mindset and focus on the benefits of your new path.


Making major life changes in your 50s and 60s and up is a journey of self-discovery and growth. It's an opportunity to redefine your purpose and create a life that brings you joy and fulfillment. Embrace the adventure, and remember that it's never too late to change course and live the life you've always dreamed of.

If you are considering making a significant life change and need support or guidance, I am here to help. Join one of our women's retreats or reach out for coaching support. Let's embark on this journey together and create a life that truly resonates with who you are now:

Website: Cheryl Davenport

In gratitude always, Cheryl

9 Life-Changing Benefits of Hiring a Life Coach

9 Life-Changing Benefits of Hiring a Life Coach

What is a life coach and do you need one? In this post, I’m sharing what a life coach is and the 9 benefits of hiring one.

Have you ever felt stuck or frustrated with where you're at in life? Or you’ve wanted to make a change but have no idea where to start or how to make it happen?

If so, you may well benefit from hiring a coach.

Let me just start by sharing that most of my biggest leaps and changes in my life have come from working with a coach. I mean, even Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey & Brene Brown work with coaches, so there's got to be something to this, right?

What is a life coach?

Simply put, the purpose of a life coach is to help you create a life that fulfills you. If you're struggling to decide what you want out of life or wondering what your purpose and passion is, a life coach can help you get clear on these things and create a plan to achieve them.

If you are looking for more balance, more happiness and more satisfaction in your life, a coach can help you to work on your mindset, as well as the mental roadblocks that are preventing you from moving forward and having those things that you want more of in your life.

A good coach will help you to identify the areas that are holding you back, push past your limiting beliefs and excuses and help you to set and accomplish your goals, whilst holding you accountable along the way.

I truly don't think I would have left my corporate job and moved to Bali at 57 years old to chase my dreams had I not had my coach to keep me focused on my goals and hold me accountable. Whew!
So, why should you hire a coach?

Benefit #1. You get to finally decide what you want.

Life coaches are great at helping you gain clarity and actually choosing what you want for your life–even if you don't know what it is yet. You’ll get to design your ideal life so that you feel happy and your life has meaning and purpose. We all go through many life stages and transitions and it can be hard to know which path to take.

Benefit #2. Your life becomes more balanced.

We all tend to focus on certain parts of our lives more than others. (e.g. family, career, relationships) A coach will help you to give adequate attention to all areas of your life so that you feel more balanced, satisfied and fulfilled.

Benefit #3. You will stretch yourself.

Life is about learning and applying those new skills and insights into your life so that you can achieve better results. A coach will help you step out of your comfort zone and try new things that you might not be pushing yourself to do.

Benefit #4. You’ll push past your challenges and overcome what’s holding you back.
Dealing with challenges, fears and limiting beliefs can be intimidating and sometimes you don't even know what's stopping you from moving forward. Having an expert in your corner to help you get unstuck and create new healthy beliefs that support your dreams and goals is a game changer.

Benefit #5. You’ll solve challenges you didn't even realize you had.

Typically coaches are hired for a specific reason (e.g. career change, life transitions, finding more happiness, relationship challenges) But

through the process of coaching, you’ll most likely discover other issues that are just as important too. There’s no place to hide with a good coach!

Benefit #6. You’ll get an unbiased opinion.

Sometimes those closest to us know us a little too well. A life coach can give us an unbiased, new perspective to think about. Plus, it's often easier to be more open to hearing things we might not necessarily want to hear from an outsider instead of from those who are closest to us! There’s also the very important confidentiality factor and knowing that everything we talk about to our coach is completely private.

Benefit #7. You’ll be held accountable.

It’s easy to quit when no one knows you’ve even started, and you can always tell yourself you start again tomorrow. A coach on the other hand will make sure you follow through and stay in integrity with your word. Most of us don't want to let others down or be ‘in trouble’!

Benefit #8. You’ll raise your standards.

Many of the challenges you've faced so far are likely a result of your standards being too low. You may have far outgrown your career, relationships or dreams and settled for a life that no longer feels meaningful to you. A coach will help you with a new sense of self awareness and strengthen your boundaries.

Benefit #9. You’ll have someone that is just as excited by your success as you are!
Have you ever done something that fills you with pride, only to find out that your family, friends or significant other seem less than impressed or possibly even fearful about your growth and changes? Your life coach will be your cheerleader. Having someone cheer you on will keep you motivated to accomplish your dreams!

So, do you need a life coach?

In short, yes! Everyone can benefit from hiring a coach at certain times in their life. After all, we all have things in our life we’re not happy with and want to change. It’s totally normal! And it’s ok to admit you could use an expert on your team to make those next big strides. Hiring a coach might be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. And thanks to technology it's never been easier. You don't even have to leave your house.

Want to know more about hiring a life coach?

If you’d like to know more about how a life coach can help you, why not apply for a FREE discovery call HERE. Let me help you get unstuck and create a fulfilling and meaningful life!

I offer one on one coaching, purchase 1 session at a time and schedule as needed. Your pace. Your budget. Your amazing life.

Xo Cheryl

Living an Extraordinary Life

We are well on our way into a new year and I’m asking myself and my coaching clients two questions:

“How will you make this year different from last year?” 

“What would make 2023 an extraordinary year for you?”

Great questions to sit with for a while or possibly you’ve got the year all mapped out, goals set and are well on your way to creating an extraordinary year!  Congratulations!!

If not, and you’re still wondering how to conquer the drudgery of eat, sleep, work, pay bills, rinse & repeat, then I may have a solution for you…

Many of you know that I have lived and traveled to Bali for many years. It is one of my most favorite places in the world for many reasons.  All of which I would love to share with you!

I originally went to Thailand and Bali, alone, searching for a shift in my life. I could no longer live another 365 days the same as the last 365 days.  My internal being needed to heal, grow, expand and experience new things. It took me almost 2 years to create my new reality and I must say Bali delivered on all of it!  To be immersed in the healing capital of Bali was such a gift and completely changed my life for the better. I searched out the best healers, spa’s, restaurants, places to visit and all of the secret spots that the locals were willing to share with me.  I healed, grew as a person, expanded my career, released old patterns, found pure joy in every day and made lifelong friends from around the world.  I also experienced what I would call “freedom”.  Freedom from fear of change.  Whew, that's a big one!  It's like anything else, once you’ve done it, you know you can do it again…and so the next journey began.

I have always had a passion for empowering others, probably because so many have done the same for me along the way.  That desire led me to many amazing opportunities in my life but coaching and hosting women’s retreats in Bali has been the culmination of the last 40 years of my career and personal growth work. I also had many friends that wanted to travel but had a fear of traveling alone or were just frightened of traveling so far.  I really felt called to curate a trip to Bali that would offer these highly successful and overworked women a safe way to visit a drastically different culture, to do some deep self care and healing, if needed. 

I truly believe we need this type of connection now more than ever!!  Women coming together in a non competitive setting, supporting each other and understanding that we are all suffering through most of the same things and I’m not just talking about hot flashes here.  Just to be clear this retreat is not about you quitting your job and moving to Bali. (unless that's your dream, then let’s talk!) 

It’s about so much more…

How would you feel knowing you could have this once in a lifetime experience without having to do all the planning and work?  That once you land in Bali your personal well being is our only job.  Every little detail has been taken care of to ensure you can completely relax into your luxurious environment, feeling safe, nurtured, refreshed and renewed. YOU deserve to be taken care of and will be a happier and more productive person by doing so.  It’s finally your turn!  

I could go on and on but I think my Bali Retreat page can help paint a picture in your mind as to the magic that this retreat has to offer you. You can visit my page and share with your friends and family so that they can share in the magic too!  You never know who needs this and how deeply it will impact them.  Here’s the link:

That is also my coaching page if you would like support in creating an extraordinary 2023!

My IG has tons of Bali & other travel photos @BaliGirl Retreats

Let's make some magic together in 2023!

In gratitude,
