Posts tagged women's empowerment
Making 2024 Your Best Year Ever!

Greetings my friends,

As we approach the end of another transformative year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on our journey and set our intentions for the coming year.  The new year invites us to step into our full potential and create a life full of meaning and service.  As we prepare to welcome 2024, let’s embark on this journey together with open hearts and a shared commitment to healing, connection, and transformation.

As I reflect back on 2023 I am grateful for the challenges and the triumphs. I made some big strides this past year and I’m proud of myself for taking the leap to grow, not only personally, but my coaching practice and retreat company too. I started working with a coach again this year, which has helped me tremendously.  I have stepped way out of my comfort zone and taken some pretty big risks. Whew!!  I certainly can't encourage you to do things that I wouldn't do!  

I usually host 1 retreat in Bali, but this year I hosted 2, which was definitely a big leap of faith.  I am so grateful to have had 16 amazing women beside me on that healing journey.  We all connected on such a deep level and remain a great support system for each other.  I offered complimentary coaching at the retreats to help the guests process and gain clarity around what was coming up for them.  I also created a follow up support program for guests after they go home and I’m so pleased to see the results the ladies are experiencing as we continue the coaching process!  Being able to purchase sessions one at a time as needed has made the process much easier and very affordable for my (past or future) retreat guests.

I also launched and filled 3 new retreats for 2024!  Expanding into Italy next year, returning to Bali and looking into a more compact wellness retreat in Mexico.  Stay tuned for those details!

I am fully stepping into my gifts this next year so that I can in turn bring so much more value and service to you! I’m saying this here so you can hold me to it!

I also spent 4 months in Bali and the surrounding islands, traveling solo, and with friends. I focused deeper on my morning practice of meditation, journaling and exercise, which in turn helped me to calm my nervous system, sleep better and feel amazing!  I read at least 12 books and listened to hundreds of podcasts, all to benefit my knowledge base around coaching, health and creating life changing international retreats.  I am doing the work with you my friend!  We are all a beautiful work in progress and perfectly imperfect as we are!

I’m curious how you would like 2024 to look for you?  If it were to be your best year so far what story would you be telling friends and family at the end of next year?  I’d love to dive into that with you and peel back the layers to reveal your biggest dreams and help you to navigate a course to creating THAT life!  We do get to curate this life, it doesn't just happen by luck or happenstance… I’m ready, are you? Click the link for your complimentary discovery call. Coaching Discovery Call

I wish you a holiday season filled with so much love, laughter, family, friends and abundant blessings!  Don't forget to kiss someone special under the mistletoe too!

In gratitude always,


Coaching & Retreat Info Here

Living an Extraordinary Life

We are well on our way into a new year and I’m asking myself and my coaching clients two questions:

“How will you make this year different from last year?” 

“What would make 2023 an extraordinary year for you?”

Great questions to sit with for a while or possibly you’ve got the year all mapped out, goals set and are well on your way to creating an extraordinary year!  Congratulations!!

If not, and you’re still wondering how to conquer the drudgery of eat, sleep, work, pay bills, rinse & repeat, then I may have a solution for you…

Many of you know that I have lived and traveled to Bali for many years. It is one of my most favorite places in the world for many reasons.  All of which I would love to share with you!

I originally went to Thailand and Bali, alone, searching for a shift in my life. I could no longer live another 365 days the same as the last 365 days.  My internal being needed to heal, grow, expand and experience new things. It took me almost 2 years to create my new reality and I must say Bali delivered on all of it!  To be immersed in the healing capital of Bali was such a gift and completely changed my life for the better. I searched out the best healers, spa’s, restaurants, places to visit and all of the secret spots that the locals were willing to share with me.  I healed, grew as a person, expanded my career, released old patterns, found pure joy in every day and made lifelong friends from around the world.  I also experienced what I would call “freedom”.  Freedom from fear of change.  Whew, that's a big one!  It's like anything else, once you’ve done it, you know you can do it again…and so the next journey began.

I have always had a passion for empowering others, probably because so many have done the same for me along the way.  That desire led me to many amazing opportunities in my life but coaching and hosting women’s retreats in Bali has been the culmination of the last 40 years of my career and personal growth work. I also had many friends that wanted to travel but had a fear of traveling alone or were just frightened of traveling so far.  I really felt called to curate a trip to Bali that would offer these highly successful and overworked women a safe way to visit a drastically different culture, to do some deep self care and healing, if needed. 

I truly believe we need this type of connection now more than ever!!  Women coming together in a non competitive setting, supporting each other and understanding that we are all suffering through most of the same things and I’m not just talking about hot flashes here.  Just to be clear this retreat is not about you quitting your job and moving to Bali. (unless that's your dream, then let’s talk!) 

It’s about so much more…

How would you feel knowing you could have this once in a lifetime experience without having to do all the planning and work?  That once you land in Bali your personal well being is our only job.  Every little detail has been taken care of to ensure you can completely relax into your luxurious environment, feeling safe, nurtured, refreshed and renewed. YOU deserve to be taken care of and will be a happier and more productive person by doing so.  It’s finally your turn!  

I could go on and on but I think my Bali Retreat page can help paint a picture in your mind as to the magic that this retreat has to offer you. You can visit my page and share with your friends and family so that they can share in the magic too!  You never know who needs this and how deeply it will impact them.  Here’s the link:

That is also my coaching page if you would like support in creating an extraordinary 2023!

My IG has tons of Bali & other travel photos @BaliGirl Retreats

Let's make some magic together in 2023!

In gratitude,


Lessons From Bali



There’s no denying that Wellness Retreats are the of-the-moment vacation. From extreme yoga retreats to bicycle tours we’re now trading sunbathing and extreme sports for more focused dedication to our personal health and wellness. Instead of focusing on just physical activities, these gatherings are more about the magic of bringing women together, with the goal being female connection and empowerment.

As a 57 year old, successful business woman that was burnt out, disconnected and desperately needed some self care, I understood the need for women to come together in a way that was safe, nurturing and provided some tools for self care. I got busy creating a wellness retreat that spoke to other women like myself. The response has been overwhelming! 


I’ve just completed another 8 day retreat in Bali with a group of 10 amazing women. Many of us have been or are currently married, divorced, raised families, lost loved ones, have successful careers and continue to take care of those around us at the expense of our own wellbeing. As women we seem to have lost sight of a few things... How to reconnect with our needs, bodies & hearts. How to connect with other women (Especially if you’ve been in the corporate world a long time). How to be quiet & breathe. To embrace our femininity. Ultimately I think we are all just looking to let go of our fears and insecurities and replace them with self worth and love. Throughout all of my experiences working with women I have found that no matter what age, race, religion, financial status or education, we all have the same fears and insecurities.


  • Bravery is beautiful
    Retreats tend to bring us face to face with things we fear, whether those obstacles are mental or physical. (Case in point: swinging out over the jungle on an extremely high swing, wearing a long flowy dress, was just as scary as sharing your fears during circle time.) But being surrounded by women that are rooting for you creates an immense safety net. Not only was it liberating to shed my own fears but to witness the bravery of the other women–-not to mention the excitement they felt–was a reminder to not shy away from the things that scare us. Courage leads to confidence!                                                  

  • We thrive in community
    After more than a week of listening to the 10 other women in the group who so generously shared their stories, we all couldn't help but want to soak up the life lessons and wisdom in the room. Women understand other women. It’s the women who make ‘women's retreats’ so special, providing comfort, support, and serious girl time fun. We laughed, danced, cried, hugged, explored, grew, opened our hearts, made new sisters, and the best part? Those relationships are not contained to the time spent at the retreat. We have formed deep bonds and will continue to support and connect with each other going forward.

  • We have the power to change our thoughts
    With lots of time built in for rest and silence, a retreat can create distraction free spaces in your day, which allows you to consciously take note of your thought patterns. Noticing the negative self talk that we barrage ourselves with daily can help us to start making changes to that narrative. Spending time in silence allows awareness to show us where we need to release and grow. Not surprisingly, I am a lot harder on
    myself than I realized ( I was not alone in this discovery), but after sitting with the discovery of that self criticism, I actually had an opportunity to hear those thoughts and then choose to change them. This may sound obvious but we don't have to listen to our inner critic, rather it is ok–and pretty wonderful–to like ourselves!

I have 2 retreats in Bali 2023 Dates & prices coming soon!                                                                        We would love to welcome you to the Sisterhood!

You can also visit us on Facebook & Instagram @baligirlretreats

I am also a Woman's Life Coach and specialize in helping women through life transitions. You can get more information or schedule a complimentary discovery call here:

In gratitude, 
