Posts tagged retreats
 Embrace Transformation this Fall - A Message from Cheryl

Hello, dear friends,

The last two months in Bali have been truly enchanting. However, it's challenging to convey the sheer magic of this place in words. But if you know me, you're aware that I'm rarely at a loss for words! When I'm passionate about something, I can't help but gush. It's evident that my heart is overflowing with enthusiasm for the captivating island of Bali and, even more so, for my mission of uniting women to heal, grow, and connect.

There's something truly extraordinary that happens when women come together in a safe space to open up, share, release, reset, and nourish their minds and bodies. The transformation that unfolds is nothing short of spectacular.

Lately, I've observed something interesting that I believe might resonate with some of you. Let me ask you a question: What are you saying 'yes' to when you really want to say 'no'? How often are you putting aside your own needs to please someone else? How do you feel when you say 'yes' to something that isn't in alignment with your truth?

Don't get me wrong; I'm not suggesting we shouldn't help others or do things that are occasionally inconvenient. However, it's essential to establish healthy boundaries for yourself. Neglecting your own needs can lead to resentment, unhappiness, and weak boundaries.

It's worth pondering. If you're questioning something, take a few moments to breathe, tune into your body, and ask yourself, "What do I need at this moment?" Listen to your body; it always tells the truth. The mind may create stories, but the body never lies.

As the weather changes and the leaves begin their descent, we, too, undergo inner changes. We let go of what no longer serves us, shedding old beliefs and stories that don't support us in creating and living an extraordinary life. You deserve that, and anything is possible. My story is a living example of that, and I'm grateful and excited to help others create their own best lives.

If you're seeking support for your Fall clean-up, I have a few openings for 1:1 coaching. I offer sessions one at a time, so you can progress at your own pace and within your budget (no need to purchase a package of sessions!). As a token of gratitude for past clients and retreat guests, I have a special offer just for you!

Feel free to reach out for details and available appointment times. Click on the link to schedule a call.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

With love and light,


Embracing Slow Living for Mind, Body, and Soul

Embracing Slow Living for Mind, Body, and Soul

In a world pulsating with constant activity, finding solace in the art of slow living has become essential for nurturing our well-being. The modern frenzy, characterized by bustling screens, relentless workdays, and a ceaseless stream of news, has led to a collective yearning to slow down. It's a call to allow our minds, bodies, and souls to exhale, to seek a mental reset that rejuvenates us at our core. Amidst this clamor, we are prompted to recalibrate our relationship with time – to step away from the ceaseless rush and embrace moments of quiet reflection, at least I am.

Amid the chaos, the concept of slow living invites us to savor life's rhythms and engage with our surroundings in a more meaningful way. This entails deliberate steps: diminishing screen time's intrusive grasp, easing away from the torrent of television and news, and relinquishing the burden of extended work hours. By opting for nourishing, fresh, and whole foods over the convenience of fast-food options, we answer our bodies' primal call for genuine sustenance. Within these choices lie the bedrock of slow living – an intentional shift towards balance.

Practical strategies for this lifestyle metamorphosis include dedicating moments to meditation, as brief as ten minutes daily, to cultivate inner tranquility. Mindful breathwork, characterized by deep, purposeful inhalations and extended exhalations, becomes a bridge to soothing our agitated nervous systems. A communion with nature serves as a soothing balm; the simple act of walking barefoot on soil or wading through water channels grounding energy and inviting serenity. As our bodies sway in yoga's embrace or dance's euphoria, we discover the joyful movement that aligns with our being. Vigilantly observing our thoughts encourages a shift towards mindful awareness, a foundational step in rewriting ingrained patterns. These fundamental guidelines, when embraced, have the potential to transform our vitality, happiness, and ultimately, our life journey – ushering in an era of slow living and savoring the profound richness it brings.

Guiding Your Path to Slow Living and Fulfillment

Having lived through the whirlwind of a fast-paced corporate world for over 30 years, I intimately understand the exhaustion, disconnection, and yearning for more that it can bring. My personal journey from success-driven burnout to a place of genuine contentment through coaching has equipped me to guide others through similar transitions.

As a life coach, my mission is clear: to help you rediscover what truly matters, embrace a slower and more intentional pace, and forge meaningful connections. Just as I learned to infuse balance and purpose into my life, I'm here to assist you in finding tranquility amidst change – whether it's a career shift, seeking inner peace, or architecting a more fulfilling future.

Together, we'll embark on a transformative voyage towards slow living, nurturing every facet of your well-being. Drawing from my own experiences and coaching expertise, I'll provide tailored support to help you realign with your authentic self, your loved ones, and your aspirations. Through introspection, we'll uncover the sources of your happiness and weave them into the fabric of intentional, mindful living. This is your journey, and I'm here to guide you toward a life filled with self-awareness, connection, and lasting joy.

Please feel free to connect with me via email at 

Or you can schedule a complimentary call on my website at

You can get retreat details here: Cheryl Davenport Retreats

I also have some exciting announcements coming on the 2024 retreats in Bali and now in Italy too!!  Follow me on FB and IG for dates and details.

In gratitude always,
