Making Magic in 2020

Happy New Year! 🎉 I'm so excited about stepping into 2020 and the opportunities this next decade brings. Last year brought some big changes into my life. I stepped way out of my comfort zone (a few times) and achieved some dreams along the way (not without a few bumps & bruises). I became a certified Life Coach and NLP Practitioner, which feels like I'm finally 'home', created a life changing retreat in Bali with 14 AMAZING women 💃💃🏾, hosted my 5th BaliGirl Threads Charity Fashion Show, spent quality time with family and friends, I was able to travel to Vietnam, California, Mexico & 4 new islands in Indonesia, got my PADI diving certification, did some deep inner work and have continued to create this extraordinary adventure called life. Everything is not perfect, but it is authentic, full of purpose and magic...I'll take that...along with the bumps and bruises that come with a life well lived! 

 My intention for this year is to bring more love, awareness, empowerment and connection into the world. Together we can create a ripple effect!

Wishing you all an extraordinary year ahead! Let's make some magic together in 2020! xo

Cheryl Davenport