Your Thoughts

Hello my friends,

I've been spending so much time working on mindset lately, with myself and my clients. I’ve realized it's never the circumstances that cause our feelings, it's always our thoughts about the circumstances that cause our feelings. Read that again. That alone gives us so much more power to control how we feel. How we choose to feel. Our thoughts are a choice. The choice between an empowering thought and a negative thought can determine how our lives play out day to day. Thoughts create our feelings, our feelings drive our actions, and our actions create our results. Makes sense, right?

Awareness of our thoughts is the first step in changing our old thought patterns and beliefs. A belief is just a thought we've had over and over. Most of our beliefs were handed down from previous generations, which I'm guessing may have served them well at the time, but many of those old beliefs do not serve us in this current life. Sometimes a client will say, "I don't know what I'm thinking all day, not sure what my thoughts are or it's just a completely unconscious process. One option for getting some thoughts down would be to do a 'thought download.' Take a sheet of paper and write down every thought that pops in your head or any recurring thoughts you've been having, good or bad. Circle the ones that don't serve your highest good and then flip that negative thought to a more positive one that does make you feel good. It's called deliberate thinking! It will also create more awareness around what's running through your mind all day. Actually, just take a look at your life and that will give you a good idea of what you're thinking, feeling and creating. If you don't 100% love what you see then it might be time to work on your mindset.

Creating a healthy mindset is a daily practice and in my opinion one of the most important things you can do to create positive change in your life. This is one of those times that working with a coach can be incredibly beneficial. The very first time I worked with a life coach was when I was contemplating a move to Bali, Indonesia, by myself, at 57 years old, without a job and I didn't know a soul. I was torn between terrifying fear and overwhelming desire! My coach really helped me get clarity around my dreams, work on my thoughts and create a mindset that supported my choice to move to Bali. She then helped me create an action plan, held me accountable and supported me on the days I fell apart and lost hope. Sigh! It turned out to be 3 of the most amazing and life changing years of my life and I honestly don't think I would've made it without her support. My coach and my mindset made all the difference!

For you, maybe it's a career change, a health goal, a move or just creating a happier more fulfilling life. All of these things take clarity, a plan, action, accountability, support and the right mindset! I love helping people achieve their life dreams and goals! I'm here to support you on your mission, whatever that looks like. My hope for you is that you don't waste your gifts, hopes and dreams until someday...if not now, when?

In Gratitude and Love,


Cheryl Davenport