Cheryl Davenport

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The Great Pause

I’ve been wondering how this time in our lives will be remembered. There is so much uncertainty, pain, fear and loss that it could completely devour our hopes, our jobs, family and life as we know it. The media has created an unprecedented amount of fear which keeps us paralyzed and confused. We have been separated by race, political party and social isolation. All of these things weigh heavy on my heart and have caused many of us to feel a huge lack of control in our world.

As with the dark there is always the light and our current situation proves to be no different. Through my coaching clients and friends I have heard stories of tragedy but also of huge awakenings. The Great Pause has given us that much needed time to be still and quiet, even if only for brief moments, so that we can hear our inner voices begging us to slow down, change course and wake up! We’ve been asleep at the wheel of life for far too long. The universe, spirit, God, is calling, and it’s time to answer the call.

What can we do to hear the subtle voices of our hearts and inner guidance systems? How can we sit in stillness and be quiet? I believe that when we pray we are speaking to the universe, spirit, God, but when we meditate that is when the universe, spirit, God speaks to us. Take some time to find a quiet spot, even if its only 10 or 15 minutes to just sit and quiet your mind. Notice the thoughts, release them, breathe, connect with your body and the earth. Listen. Breathe. You WILL hear your souls calling. It’s a practice just like going to the gym. You don’t go the first day, pick up a weight and expect to see a new bicep appear do you? Practice.

Ask yourself what positive aspects can I take away from this time? How do I want my life to look going forward? How do I want to show up in the world? What gifts can I bring to my family, neighborhood, city, country and the world? What do I want my legacy to be? Who do I love? Who loves me? What’s REALLY important to me? What do I need to change or let go of? Where do I need to step up and grow? These are the things we DO have control over. These positive changes are how we can create a positive ripple effect in our own lives and in the world. It all starts with each one of us! What story will you be telling about your experience during The Great Pause?

I’m here to create a safe and powerful space to answer these questions and help you to create a new story. I’m offering a free 60 minute discovery call to help get you started. You just have to take the first step…

Stay well, stay safe and stay positive my friends!

